|RANT| Oxford New English Dictionary. (verb). ORIGIN: late 16th century Dutch "ranten". 1. to speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way. |ESPACE| La Dictionnaire de l'Academie Française. (le nom masculine). L'ORIGINE: XIIe siècle. 4. Domaine où s'exerce un certain type d'activité ou de règlementation.

17 April 2010

REPORTpost: iceland's revenge

Remember how the US and EU basically caused this?

And some of the consequences?

Yes, Iceland has been slow to enact its revenge on the world. But, it has done so with such sweet finesse: IT GROUNDED US GOVERNMENT-WRECKING CAPITALIST-BASTARDS TO AN UNFORSEEABLY-LONG MISERY IN HUMANKIND'S WORST INVENTION: the airport.

The world, especially Europe, made a grave mistake letting sweet, docile Iceland collapse so violently in the turmoil of the Great Recession.

Iceland has been plotting. Oh, it has been plotting indeed. See, the US intelligence community has been focusing on a wee-little area of interest entitled "terrorism" / "overseas contingency operations" . This may go down in the record books as another US intelligence failure. Little did we know that Iceland has their own version of WMD: Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano. Doesn't that name just look ominous, if not overtly hostile? Where the hell was the intel on Iceland's WMD factory: SCARYASFUCKNAME Volcano, huh? Cannot believe we didn't expect this from a viking people who have rape and pillage in their blood. Iraq was once the cradle of civilization, versus Iceland who was once the subjugator of humanity.

Well, Iceland should be just delighted: thousands stranded in the misery of airports during one of the highest travel times in Europe.

Bravo, Iceland. Bravo.

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