|RANT| Oxford New English Dictionary.
rant. (noun). a spell of ranting; a tirade.
rant. (verb). ORIGIN: late 16th century Dutch "ranten". 1. to speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.
|L'ESPACE| La Dictionnaire de l'Academie Française.
l'espace. (le nom masculine). L'ORIGINE: XIIe siècle. 4. Domaine où s'exerce un certain type d'activité ou de règlementation.
|SPACE| Oxford New English Dictionary.
space. (noun). ORIGIN: middle English, shortening of Old French "espace", from the Latin "spatium". 1. a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied: (i) the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one
The posts in this blog shall feature an array of subject matter, chosen by the author at his discretion. The posts shall be sorted into the following categories: 'rant', 'report', 'review', 'research', 'ridiculous', and 'reallygay'. As the blog progresses, it will develop weekly columns on focused subject-matter, TBD.
The blog's content shall be the author: commenting and exploring international politics; musing upon US popular culture; exposing, discovering, and featuring Washington DC clownery in all of its forms; parlant de l'Art en particulier la mode; documenting important events; and expressing his various paradigms on human behaviors and conventions.
The author would hope his readers be English-literate humans, particularly: those who performed an internet search on the word "rant", gullible politicians, DC residents, editors, cooks, authors, the Pentagon, on-air TV-commentators, radio personalities, designers, R.H. Baroness Margaret Thatcher, students, economists, government bureaucrats, faculty, janitors, the "southern" states of the US, degenerates, philanthropists, the author's various personal heros and heroines, anyone with a fancy title before their name bestowed upon them by a monarch or head-of-state, Denverites, Manhattanites, Mrs. Sarah Palin, LGBTQers, anyone who has to employ "-ism" words in professional and casual conversation, PoTUS, Hon. Nancy Pelosi, his parents, lobbyists, diplomats, the unemployed, stoners, stock marketeers, IT professionals, as well as the Editors-in-Chief of: The Economist, Esquire, GQ and various other financially-sound and fantastic publications.
The title of this blog is "rantESPACE". It is an internet website, or space, for the author to muse, comment, and report on events, places, people, and phenomena. The author wishes for feedback, though only in exceptional circumstances will he reply. He encourages the commentators to interact with one-another, particularly in a hostile form. He very much appreciates any help or other input on how to execute his vision for this space.
This blog is unfair. It will not report on the aforementioned areas of scope without bias, any journalistic integrity, or truth.
The author desperately yearns to write outside of an academic context. He believes has a lot to say, and not too many who'll listen. Luckily, the internet has a fairly large audience, though this website may not garner its constituents' attention. His tone will be predominantly satiric, sardonic, and cynical--with brief bursts of insight, compassion, and humanity. His style will probably not feature excellent execution and attention to proper English writing conventions. He sometimes writes in French. He rarely writes in Russian.
The author will also utilize this space for a non-university-aflliated, self-taught course in multimedia publishing. The author's remedial knowledge of internet-publishing troubles him. As such, he wishes to use many conventions of modern internet publishing; including, video embeds, URL links, and other technical/technological devices and coding where the author has a considerable ignorance, and a lack of expertise.
Please email the author to compliment, complain, inform, embarass, tip, or enroll in Clown College* at: rantDAN@gmail.com
Please inform the author if he has infringed on any copyrighted material by emailing him at the aforementioned e-mail address. He is woefully ignorant of such laws, and despite having a disdain for many of them, would enjoy to not be prosecuted. He will promptly remove such material, and an issue an apology. The author by no means can afford lawyers nor pay any settlement, and would enjoy to forgo any such unpleasantness that would be involved in a copyright infringement lawsuit.
The author appreciates your eyeballs, and will probably no longer post in third-person unless he is feeling quite haughty.
*The author is not on the Trustee Board, faculty, or any position of admissions authority at Clown College. He is just a clown without make-up, but possesses ridiculous clothing and will hopefully make you both laugh and cry.
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